Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Self Watering Recycled Pet Bottle Planter

And the last after : WOW compost and Garbage Enzymes is Recycled pet bottle planter!

1.       Start with a 1.5 or 2 litre PET bottle you no longer need.
2.       Cut it in half. Trim the ragged edges smooth.
3.       Adjust the height of the bottom half to hold the top half of the bottle upside down about 1-2 cm above the base of the bottle.
4.       Make a hole in the cap with a craft knife, drill or nail. Or remove the cap and tie a scrap of cloth from an old t-shirt, sock or other scrap fabric over the opening of the bottle.
5.       Fill the top of half full with potting soil, pat it down about 2-3 cm from the rim, and set it into the bottom half. Plant a seed or a cutting.
6.       Water gently till water runs out of the cap end the bottle. You can top up the level of the water falls below the cap
7.       Moisture loving herbs do best in the planter you have just made. At the Kampung, we plant dill, Thai basil, coriander, peppermint and other herbs in such containers.
8.       If roots begin to grow out of the cap and into the water it is time to transplant to a bigger pot.

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