Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yang Kung's Birthday part 2

     Before I start this story, I wanna apologize first :)) Because of my busy schedule, now, I only can post on Sunday. So, don't go anywhere on Sunday and wait for my posting ^^

     Okay, our schedule today's shopping. First, we went to Ada Baru (supermarket) to print the photo and buy some ingredients we'll need to make a tumpeng and not to forget, birthday candle! After we finish shopping in Ada Baru, we went to traditional market, which is not too far from here.
     I don't really like to go to traditional market, because it's muddy and stinky, but, if we want to get the cheap(est) price, we need to go there. So, here we are, finding the right shop to buy chicken meat. We find that it's difficult to bargain the price, because we don't know what is the actual price before lebaran.
     Because in this traditional market they use Javanese, sometimes it makes our 'chef' confuse, and we need to call our parents to ask whether it's the right thing or not. After spending 2 hours looking for all the ingredients, we feel tired. But, we still need to find banana leafs and kepok banana. Until finally we give up and just go home straight away.
     When we reached my house, my dad was standing in front of the gate, and without any basa-basi my dad told us...
     "Hachi is gone! Find him, hurry!"
     Gosh, at that time I really confused, what I can do just finding him in kampung behind our house, and came back home without him. A few minutes later, my dad is the only person who still worry about him, hahaha, while we are chatting with each other or reading comics.
     Until sun has not appeared any more, we still haven't done any job. By the way, I'm really happy that finally I can spend one night with my cousins :)) because they are all staying at my house! yeay. Around 8 we started to cut the onions, carrots, and others. Then, we the perkedel. The last job is mengungkep the chicken meat. It takes the longest time, we need to wait till over midnight for this. Mbak Tyani and Ara have gone to their dream, left mbak Nurza, mbak Tya and me alone.
     When we came to our bedroom, we found that they (mbak Tyani and Ara) slept in a completely wrong position. We need to spend our night in a suffer :p just kidding, actually we went to a really really deep sleep, hehe.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Just share

     "I remember I was accompanying a group of teacher and headmaster from Indonesia. In Indonesia, government always spending their money to send teachers to have a training in Singapore. So I was guiding them to NTU. In the end of the event, some of my friend which is work in NTU asked me, ' are they really a teacher and headmaster?' 'I guess so,' 'here.. here... look what they do.' They were STEALING a teabag! Gosh.... They put all the thing inside their bag"

That was what my lecturer said in one of my class. What an embarrassing fact of my country. Is that really what our culture is? Are you teachers not ashamed of yourself? You told us every minutes to behave wherever you are in school, but outside the school... ugh!

Another story about this is when my father went for Hajj. He said that 'in Mecca a lot of people like to give something as an alms to other people. Even if it's just a dates, water, tea, everything. And if you want to know what are the things given by them, just go to the Indonesian people, see what they have in their room or bag, there are many alms they get from different people.' ugh!

"That's is the culture in Indonesia, but it wasn't like this in 10 or 20 years ago." said my lecturer.

So, why do we change? Ask yourself, and decide what will you behave tomorrow.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Yang Kung's birthday part 1

       Before I start my story, I wanna say sorry for the long absence of my posting. It's simply because i'm not in the mood lately. I'm very sorry.
       Today, I want to tell you about my Grandpa's birthday party. Since it's just 5 days after Hari Raya, my nephews are still staying in Salatiga. So, we (me and my nephews) decided to make a tumpeng for my Grandpa. The idea come up when we finally met (after I'm cured from chicken pox) and went to Arrowhead to see Ara and Elan did their riding horse lesson. After Ara and Elan finished their lesson, we went to a Steak House and start discussing about this matter (mostly is about the gift).
      Then, here we are, inside Marvel and start choosing and debating about what will be the best for our grandpa. After a long discussion *cieilah*, finally we choose a cute photo frame with a bianglala-shape. Our next project is to edit the photo of all the grandchild (because there are 15 grandchild and it's only 12 photo frame inside).
      While we were waiting mbak Tyani edits the photo, mbak Nurza and I were playing with Hachi (do you still remember him? :D), he's growing bigger and bigger now. We did a pedicure and menicure for Hachi. Finish with Hachi, we are going back to my room. Mbak Nurza start finding something to do, first she played with my violin, then change into guitar, and finally she's making over Ara using my set of make up.
     Mbak Tyani almost done with editing, and we are still busy with this make over thing :D in the end of the day we finish it with taking a pict of Ara in her new look :))
     Actually we want to print the photo today, but because of the laziness (hehe) we postpone it till tomorrow, I'm sure that tomorrow we'll be very busy.