Monday, April 15, 2013

San Fransisco

Why I named this story San Fransisco, it because Rida came up with an idea to tweet that we were in San Fransisco, haha. Gak nyambung sih. LOL

So, here is the story...Today, my gang in junior high will gather again with complete personnel. Hayu, Rida, Amung, Menur and me! What a surprise, finally, after almost 2 years we didn't gather together :))

Hayu came first, we planned to go to Ilufa to buy a headset, but then the rain came and we just heading back to my house again. Hehe.
Then, Amung and Rida came, we chat and laugh at my room while waiting for all of us finish praying. Then we were thinking, where we gonna go for lunch? After almost 30 minutes, we can't decide any place to go. and Menur came :)

We started to list all the eating place we want to go to. And we decided food court in front of church Miki is a good place, because it has somay :p hahaha. After that, we wanted to going home and just play omegle.. but suddenly the rain came (again). And we had this idea! Why don't we go in to angkot (public transportation in Indonesia) and we just follow where that angkot's track bring us. And we picked angkot number..... ONE.

We just jumped in, and chat about this and that like that angkot was there only for us (although the angkot was full with people -.-||) Until the only people in angkot were us, and the driver asked "where do you all wanna go?", and Rida was making alibi, "where is this place? I think we must be missed the place we wanna go," we just can't stopped laughing after that, until Hayu said that the driver can just going back to the interchange.

Finished with angkot, we went to Ada Baru (my city's supermarket) to play DDR. But, they don't have the machine anymore, they just have Pump, and it was used. So sad. We just going to my house then and taking picture :))

Here are some of our photos, check it out:
@ my room

@ foodcourt

 Before going in to Angkot, the blue car with number in front is what we called angkot :))

After "city tour" :))

@ my library

I just want to tell you guys, that it's really amazing for me to gather again with you all :))

Surprise! - Monk edition

Hi guys, finally I finished my diploma, and now, I'm on holiday. My holiday was started from 11th April, what a nice holiday! No need to think about exam anymore, yeay!

I didn't do anything on the first day, just rest at home. Because my mom and sister were sick, so, we can;t go anywhere. Then, on the second day, I visited my grand pa's house, then I went to Hayu's house. It was raining and suddenly mas Haryo got an idea to dressed me as a monk. Okay, so here I am, wearing a rain coat and 'caping' (Indonesian's farmer's hat). Because I can't let my face being seen, so I need to look down all the time.
I knocked Hayu's house and asked for money. I didn't know which one is Hayu, because 3 of Hayu's friends were studying together at her house. So I just knocked again and again. Then one of Hayu's friend called her, "YUU! HAYUU, someone's looking for you!" and Hayu came. She looked surprise, and she's going in again and called her mom. But her mom refused to go and see the 'monk' she knew that this is must be her son's idea :p Finally, mas Haryo came and asked Hayu's friend to call Hayu. And Hayu realized that this person wasn't a monk. "SHIT! ENES!" hahahaha.

Actually, my trousers and shoes just weren't monk's outfit, but she just thought that this monk was pity. Haha. My third surprise for her.

Sorry, I didn't get any picture :(( because it just too sudden, and I didn't bring my camera with me.

Monday, April 8, 2013

What I really want is just a simple hug

     Akhir-akhir ini sering bersitegang sama orang tua, banyak hal yang mereka katakan nggak cocok sama yang aku harapkan. Mungkin itu juga berlaku sebaliknya. Sepertinya emosiku yang naik turun dan ekspektasiku yang susah di tebak become the most dangerous trigger for that *sigh*
     Sempet heboh karna warning letter yang aku post di facebook, sebenernya itu juga buat seru-seruan, apa sih arti sebuah first warning letter, toh kalau aku mau aku juga bisa bilang ke Karen, dan semua settle, attendance aku bisa 100% lagi. Hebohnya ini nyerempet juga ke masalah apartemen aku yang udah pindah jadi di deket sekolah tapi berangkat masih suka telat. Oh come on, that's a common thing for last term students.
     Kalau aja mereka tahu, waktu aku dapet first warning letter, bukannya bingung tapi aku malah kegirangan setengah mati "finally! I'm normal, I made mistakes!" terus aku post di facebook, dengan harapan mereka bakal tanggepin "wih, asik ya yang dapet warning letter," terus ngomong-ngomong apalah gitu, I didn't expected to get scolded, you know. Because they never do it directly to me, biasanya bapak ibu cuma nasehatin lah, atau apalah gitu.
     Untungnya apartemenku di lantai 7, dan dia menghadap ke jalan. Cocok kali buat galau! Aku duduk di depan jendela (angin malem yang dingin aja aku cuekin) dari jam 11-an sampe jam 2. Jengkel banget rasanya, well, if I feel silly, then I would cry easily :p disitulah aku menghabiskan malam, agak lebai sih, tapi itu adalah obat penenang buat aku, daripada aku pendem, numpuk numpuk terus rasa jengkelnya, terus aku loncat dari lantai 7 (naudzubillah deh.. hii)
     Padahal aku masih harus belajar buat ulangan lusa, tapi sebodo amat lah, gak akan bisa masuk apapun materinya kalo lagi begini nih.
     Habis solat tahajud, akhirnya aku pergi tidur. Sebelum tidur, aku ingat, dulu waktu masih kecil, kalau aku buat salah pasti nanti kena marah. Waktu dimarahin aku pasti nangis, tapi setelah selesai dimarahin, bapak pasti bilang "sini... sini..." terus aku di peluk, habis itu di elus kepalanya sambil dibilang "jangan gitu lagi ya mbak, bapak gak suka.. (well whatever it is)"
     Baru sadar aku udah lama banget gak digituin. Kekanakan sih, tapi paling enggak aku ngerasa kalau aku itu disayang, aku itu istimewa. Menurut aku sih.. itu lebih masuk nasihatnya, karena waktu dinasehatin itu perasaan bersalah anak (seharusnya) jadi tinggi, kalo dimarahin justru jiwa pembangkangnya yang tinggi. Kemaren waktu aku (menurut mereka) salah, aku cuman dimarahin, dibiarin nangis, ditinggal. How mean :( a bit lebai sih :p tapi lihat lah aku sekarang, aku gak terlalu merasa bersalah, justru aku merasa kesal karna digituin. Aku pergi-pergi terus dan jarang di rumah itu juga ada alasannya, I was depressed at that time.
     Try to recall it mom, dad, waktu itu aku lagi ada masalah, yang nggak kecil untuk anak seumuranku. Well, aku emang kelihatan tangguh dari luar, nggak kayak anak seumuranku biasanya, tapi aku juga rapuh di dalem, come on, I'm sixteen dan lawanku itu seumuran dirimu bu, seumuran ibu. Aku pengen ngerasain bebas, sebelum balik terkekang (at that time). Aku pengen jalan kemanapun, aku gak mau di atur, tolong lah give me time to explain, aku tahu aku salah, tapi aku juga bakal sadar dengan sendirinya kok.

cuma ini doang sih yang mau aku tulis, no offense buat yang merasa yah.