Friday, January 11, 2013

High Cholesterol disease

     In today's world, we can't deny that most of us adopt bad lifestyle, such as eating junk food almost everyday, sleep late, and other bad habits. That's why a person with diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are increasing from day to day, even a teenager or even child can also infected by those diseases.
     In this article, I will discuss about those diseases, what are the factors and how to cure or prevent that.
     First, we start with high cholesterol. In our body, we have two kinds of cholesterol, the good one which is HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and the bad, LDL (low-density lipoprotein).
     LDL will build up the wall in the blood vessel and it will blocks the blood vessel. That's the reason of a person getting high blood pressure also, because heart working harder cause of the blocked blood vessel. The amount of LDL that still can be consider of is below 100. Some experts recommend to keep your cholesterol below 70. Red meats, full-fat dairy products, commercially baked foods and processed foods typically contain high levels of cholesterol and saturated fat which is caused an increase in LDL. For smoking, it doesn't directly increase your LDL but it will decrease your HDL which is one thing that may rise the LDL. When we are 20 years old and above, we need to at least check the number of LDL and HDL once in 5 years.
     Weight loss or diet can helps to decrease the LDL, but don't forget to choose the right meal, try to reduce the amount of red meats, full-fat dairy products, and other factor that can increase LDL. Keep moving or exercise will also help you to decrease the LDL. And the last but not least, stop smoking! This is very important because smoking not only will cause in the increase of LDL but it will also caused a lot of other diseases to your body.
     In order to increase the HDL, we need to consume foods that rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Eg. almonds, walnuts, pecans, salmon, olive oil, evening primrose oil, avocado oil and shark liver oil (some of ulama said it's halal, some said it's mubah, both means that Muslim can eat shark liver oil too :))

shark liver oil law (in Indonesia) :

advantages of shark liver oil :

foods that lower LDL :

foods that increase LDL :

Understanding the number of LDL and HDL :

Next posting is about High Blood pressure, make sure you don't miss it :))

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